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Guide to Building the Perfect Garage Man Cave

March 15, 2016

Alright, so you're one of the lucky few who doesn't need his garage to park the car or to store a billion tubs full of old junk. You can't just let all that space go to waste. You know what you need to do, right? Build a mancave! If you've been thinking about it for while but don't know where to start, we’ve got your back Jack! Here's a quick breakdown of some of the main elements you will encounter on your journey.


Like with hangovers and sunburns, the universe always has a way of balancing everything out. If you want your glorious man cave, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty. Plan on spending at least a day cleaning out your garage before you can get started. If you have any storage you plan to work around, you'll need to get that organized. And a good dusting never hurt anyone. It's always best to start a project with as clean of a slate as possible.

Draft Your Master Plan

So are we thinking a couple of lawn chairs, milk crates, and your old ping-pong table, or do you have dreams of garage grandeur? Here's the time to get down to the blue prints. Some guys are good with a beer fridge, a TV, and some posters to cover the holes in the walls, but for you true “cave” diehards, you'll need to do a bit more detailed planning. Take your time with the details and figuring out how to best use the space available. Do your research on costs, parts needed, and any safety requirements and you will be happy you took the time to plan out your project when it all comes together smoothly and without erorr.


Of all the awesomeness that comes with football season, good weather is generally not included. So, unless you want to literally ‘chill’ in your garage man cave, you had better plan to do some insulating. When your garage walls are unfinished, this relatively simple tasks will actually kill two birds with one stone. Most garage walls are framed in with 2X4s 16" on center. This makes insulating with the cheapest, 15” R13 fiberglass a perfect fit. Roll it out, then throw up some drywall and, voila, you've got walls now too!


Before you decide to forego any flooring, keep in mind that ping-pong and a darts game can last a while and a little cushioning on the ground might be nice, especially if you stand all day at work. Some carpet or some of those cool rubber tiles can really make the place a bit more comfortable and help to insulate. Check for remnants at your local hardware store, if you're not too particular, and save a bunch of cash!

Finishing Touches

Now that you've got the boring stuff out of the way, you can really get down to business. Lighting (neon preferably), can be hung and TV’s plugged in. Hit the thrift shops or garage sales for a serious couch and some pre worn in recliners. The name man cave implies individuality, so there's not much advice that can be given pertaining to decorating. Just remember, pain is only temporary, but glory lasts forever!

So go, have fun with it! Turn your garage into the ultimate mancave, and don’t forget to call Precision Door of Salt Lake City for all of your garage needs! Cheers!

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